Old Providence


Explore the magic

A small, secluded, and little- visited island which shores kiss the turquoise waters of the Caribbean sea. Full of dense forests and extinct volcanic peaks, Old providence is a treasure island where residents are a blend of African, British, Miskito, spanish and french, whose native language is an english based creole and spanish. This magical island captivates tourists with its pirate adventures stories about Captain Morgan and the colorful world’s third largest coral reef barrier. Providence is well known for its amazing dive sites and snorkeling spots. Don’t miss out and embrace a one in a lifetime experience in the seven colors sea.
We are happy to guide you and let you know about the best experiences that are a must during your stay in the island.

Southwest Beach

Southwest beach is the longest and most calm beach you will find around the island. If you come to Providence seeking a peaceful experience , here you will definitely find it. The best about this spot is the amazing and breathtaking sunset views and the solitude of the beach. You will absolutely love it!

Playa Manzanillo

Playa Manzanillo is probably Providencia’s most beautiful and wild beach, located on the South East coast of the island, is the most secluded beach and the locals favorite spot. It’s either a long walk here, or a short drive if you have rented our mulita, but definitely a must in your stay at the island. When visiting this beach we recommend having lunch o just a cocktail at Rolands bar, a typical rasta bar located at Manzanillo! Don’t miss out!